Miss M. - Raleigh North Carolina Female Boudoir Photographer
The reason for Miss M.'s Boudoir Session with Johanna Dye in our Studio in Fayetteville North Carolina was a personal one - the beautiful red head just lost over 70 pounds and with the session wanted to celebrate her new body and confidence. Treating herself to beautiful Images, because she is just that fabulous!
I absolutely love this! Miss M. is not only gorgeous, but also a smart. A total package, she is fabulous in her own way, making her way in this world like a total boss. She made a huge change in her life and went on a life changing journey to get healthy and fit - and this was her personal reward! This is just the first part of this gorgeous boudoir session and I am super excited that I get to share it with all of y'all. M. is the living proof that you can be smart, sexy, sucessful and most of all #UnapologeticallyFeminine!
Watch out for the second part of this beautiful session. Are you looking for a Boudoir Photographer in Raleigh, Fayetteville or beyond? Contact me!