Country Style Engagement Shoot - Fayetteville, North Carolina and Fort Bragg Photographer

Last year, I just helped my dear friend through heart break. Brittany was my coworker at the time and one of my first friends here in Clarksville, I absolutely fell in love with her little girl and even though I had never watched frozen, thanks to charlotte i knew the words to all the songs rather quickly! 


A new guy started working at our job, and it didn't take me long to realize how he couldnt keep his eyes of her. He seemed like a great person, and all I wanted was my friend to finally find true love, so I decided to keep an eye on it. 

"You know, I really like Brittany", he suddenly said one day.  I smiled because I already knew. 

"Go for it! she needs a good guy!" And he did! 

A little flirt quickly turned into so much more. One night after work, me, them and another friend went to get some food in Clints Truck (yes, the exact same truck as in the pictures!) they told us they were a couple. It felt wonderful to finally see my friend happy.

Almost a year later, Brittany asked me to be her photographer for her engagement -  I almost fell of my chair for excitement. It was wonderful to shoot the three of them on his families beautiful land and I can't wait to photograph their wedding next spring here in Tennessee. 

It is so wonderful to see a love grow! From the first time they met, to the day they promise the rest of their lifes to each other.