Rebecca & Jon - Wedding at the Brier Creek Country Club
On a beautiful Sunday afternoon, Rebecca and Jon celebrated their late summer wedding at the Brier Creek Country Club in Raleigh, North Carolina. The beautiful flowers by Tre Bella and burgundy colors stuck out to me right away. Rebecca put a lot of thought into preparing every detail of her special day and it flowed together perfectly. Not only that, but Rebecca honored her heritage by implementing jewish traditions into the ceremony. The Huppah, the 7 Blessings and the breaking of the Glass, as well as a beautiful Ketubah were included in the ceremony.
"Jon and I met through a mutual friend in college, in Pennsylvania. I knew Jon was the one after we moved in together here in North Carolina and he showed me how much he cares and how helpful he is."
Being a total potterhead, my heart skipped a beat when Jon told me how he proposed to his girl!
"The ring was hidden in a book (harry potter- the chapter everlasting vow) that was a gift while on a mini vacation to Charleston, SC"
It is very special to see everything come together. Bride & Groom worked tirelessly to make their Wedding day extra special. Rebecca said the tip she would give to future brides is to let people help you. "You don't have to do it all by yourself", she reassures future brides. "I tried to help a lot to get things done early to make it less stressful for the both of us", Jon adds.