Smoke & Mirrors at the Barn at Valhalla in Chapel, Hill NC

Wedding Photography in North Carolina


Sometimes you just have to get creative. Smoke bombs are something I have always wanted to try out and now was the perfect time. The sun was already setting when we were shooting Lacey & Ivan's Wedding Portraits in the field in front of their venue, when I remembered the smoke bombs I had in my bag. It was the perfect timing and the perfect mood and I am utterly obsessed with how the shots turned out. 

The Barn at Valhalla in Chapel Hill is such an amazing venue. But not just the structure is amazing, the surroundings give the perfect opportunities for many different photographs and backgrounds. 

Do you want to give your photoshoot the extra kick? Let me know, and lets incorporate some smoke bombs into your portrait session! 

Want to see more of what we did at the #AKPRetreat and of our amazing couple? Check out their Boho Portraits with a Volkswagen bus here! 

Special thanks to.. 

Flowers by Simply Gorgeous Events by Lara Jill
Dress by Adorn Bridal
Venue The Barn at Valhalla