The Biltmore Estate - Travelblog // Photographer in Fayetteville and Asheville North Carolina
Even tho I am now a Photographer in Fayetteville, North Carolina, my roots are in Europe. I was greatful enough to are from Nuremberg, Germany, growing up where castles and historic buildings are a common thing. I sometimes miss the old european architecture, which is why I was happy when I found out about the Biltmore Estate, a mansion modeled after european castles. It reminded me a bit of Neuschwanstein when we first walked up to it.
As a Wedding Photographer, of course it is my dream to shoot a wedding there one day. It seems like the perfect backdrop for a fairytale romance. I can only Imagine a beautiful couple walking down the steps or kissing in the beautifully planted rose garden of the estate. If anyone needs a wedding photographer at the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, you know who to call :)
Wedding Photography in Asheville, NC is not only my job, but I LOVE weddings, and most of all of course the beautiful dresses. Pair that my love for old europe, the exhibition about Hollywood Wedding Dresses from Historic Movies that was currently going on was perfect for me!
I absolutely loved recognizing suits and dresses from some of my favorite movies, like Frankenstein with the amazing Helena Bonham Carter or Pride and Prejudice.