What's in your Bag? Photographer Edition. // Fayetteville, North Carolina Photography

Often I get asked what Equipment I use, what I recommend and what I want. I never really wanted to write this article, because there was always something better that I wanted to add or felt like I needed. 

Lately, I have been really happy with my equipment. After updating my Camera last year and finally buying my all time favorite Lens earlier this year and taking them for a spin, I feel like I put together a great set up that works wonderful for me. 


But let's start with the bodies. My Main Body is the Canon 6D. It's a full frame Camera and I absolutely love it. It is working great for low light situations, and gives my Images the extra kick. 





My back up body, that I mainly use as a second body for Weddings is the Canon 60D. It has been tried and true in my collection for 4 years, and I love it for its fast shutter speed and reliability. 






My favorite lens is the Canon 70-200 L II 2.8 - I am absolutely in love with it! I have been wanting it for years and finally getting it was the best decision ever. I love the range I get with it, I love the creaminess of the bookeh and sharpness for portraits and clarity for weddings and events. If I could use only one lens for the rest of my life, this would be it! It is an absolute must have for weddings. This baby almost never leaves my camera. 







The Canon 24-70 2.8 L is a great lens for events and weddings. Its also very reliable for small spaces like my studio. It is a wide angle lens, so the bookeh is rather superb. You will not achieve a great creaminess with this lens but if you go for photojournalism or documentation it is great. I also use it a lot when I am traveling and walking around. Its not as heavy as the 70-200 but it still gives you a great range. It is also great for landscapes and buildings. 









The 85 1.8 is a wonderful lens if you want great bookeh on a smaller budget. It was my go to portrait lens before I purchased the 70-200. The compression and creaminess is wonderful and it is also tack sharp. I know a lot of people who prefer the 1.8 over the 1.2 L because it is smaller and still a powerhouse. If you are looking for a fixed portrait lens I would definitely recommend the 85 1.8! It is a good upgrade from the 50mm as well, especially if you are a portrait photographer. 









The "nifty fifty" has its name because she is a staple in everyone's camera bag. with only around $150 new, it is by far the cheapest and best lens you can get for the price. It is great for starters, that get their first non kit lens, it was also my first non-kit lens and I used it a lot and still do, especially for in studio work and product photography. While I prefer the 85 1.8 for portraits, you can't go wrong with the 50 1.8. A good upgrade to the 1.8 is either the Sigma 1.4 or, of course, the L version 1.2, which is on my wish list. 
If you are new to photography and trying to expand your repertoire, this is the go to! 


For my OFC I have 3 Yongnuo Flashes and a trigger. I really like the YN560 III and it has worked well for me. I use it for both studio and on location work. 






What's on your wish list? 

Ohhh, where do I start? I definitely love the Sigma 35 Art! It's a beautiful lens that I got to try out at Shutterfest and it was just magical. I would also like to have the 100mm Macro. However, as said above I am very happy with my current set up.